Ron Boyd Art - online gallery

Paintings and Drawings by the contemporary UK/British

Landscape and Figurative Artist

River Severn Gallery

Forest of Dean Gallery
River Wye Gallery
River Severn Gallery

Biography/Exhibitions/ Awards

Contact Ron

"Canoeists waiting for the Severn Bore at Over "

Oil/Panel(H20 x W30cms)

"Canoeists surfing the Severn Bore at Over "

Oil/Panel(H20 x W30cms)

"Canoeists following the Severn Bore at Over"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W20cms)

"Bore ApproachingNewnham-on- Severn"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W40cms)

"Catching the Bore, Newnham-on-Severn"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W40cms)

"Carried by the Bore, Newnham-on-Severn"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W40cms)








































"Bore Approaching Over"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W35cms)

"Ahead of the Bore, Over "

Oil/Panel(H35 x W35cms)

"Speedboat on the Bore at Over"

Oil/Panel(H25 x W40cms)

"Before the Bore, Stonebench"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W20cms)

"Surfing the Bore, Stonebench"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W20cms)

"End of Surf, Awaiting Rescue, Stonebench"

Oil/Panel(H30 x W20cms)

"Bore Passing Garden Cliff"

Oil/Canvas(H60 x W40cms)








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Last updated 14/02/2011 - KSB

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